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Available Online

Yoga Nidra Yin Healing 60mins @ Zoom

A form of guided meditation, effortless relaxation.

10 euro

Service Description

Yoga Nidra is a form of guided meditation also known as “yogic sleep” or “effortless relaxation”. It’s usually practiced lying down with a teacher guiding the session. The practice draws our attention inwards, and we learn to surf between the states of wakefulness and sleep, where our body finds its natural state of equilibrium (homeostasis) – the breath balances and becomes quiet, unconscious and conscious aspects of the mind reveal themselves, and we fall into an innate state of deep, blissful awareness.

Upcoming Sessions

Contact Details

+31 622 80 15 44

Lessons also online through Zoom Orgánica Yoga, Hugo de Grootplein, Amsterdam, Netherlands

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